Meditation and Brahmacharya – Krishna Radha
Beloved Chinmaya Chinmaya was a hard man to miss in the ashram. He was tall with very dark skin and long, shiny, thick, black hair. His eyes were also very dark and so piercing that I could feel the...
View ArticleDon’t Get Stuck in the Outer – Osho
You ask: “Do I rightly understand you that even if you and your beloved can transmute your sexual energy into spirituality, that this relationship will not be satisfying either?” Yes, it will not be...
View ArticleOld Age is the Last Opportunity – Osho
Why is there such an expression as “The dirty old man”? I am getting on and I suspect people are beginning to think about me in exactly those words. It is because of a long, long repressive society...
View ArticleMeditation is the Bridge Between Yoga and Advaita
Hakuin begins his Song of Meditation, “All beings are from the very beginning Buddhas.” Nisargadatta Maharaj tells us to take as a hypothesis that we are the “absolute”, because it is not yet our...
View ArticleThe Journey from non-being to No-Being
We must first come to the recognition that we live outside of our center. We live outside of our body. We know our body from the exterior. We know our senses by sensing objects. Without objects we have...
View ArticleWhat is Tantric Sex? – Osho
What is tantric sex? After ‘monkey sex’ and after ‘love-bliss sex’, before the highest cosmic and religious sex in which no partner is needed, in which the cosmos is the partner, isn’t there tantric...
View ArticleFrom In a Thought to Out of Mind
In a thought. Watch a thought. Watch mind. Out of mind! In a thought. Ordinarily we live in thought. So even “in ‘a’ thought” is a step, because with ‘a’ thought there is already enough awareness...
View ArticleWhen You are a Witness then You are Not – Osho
This word “witnessing” is a most significant word. There are hundreds of techniques to achieve centering, but witnessing is bound to be a part, a basic part, in every technique. Whatsoever the...
View ArticleThis Coolness is Your Meditation – Osho
[A sannyasin asked about watching ‘a lot of shit going through his head] It is natural, so don’t feel in any way depressed by it. If you do, it is impossible to get rid of it because you lose all...
View ArticleSitting for the Sheer Joy of It
That which sees is not the mind. That is why Osho has us begin with watching anything. In the beginning it is helpful to watch the clouds passing, watch the leaves falling, watch a stream flowing or...
View ArticleThe Virtuous Circle – Osho
Visesa-darsinaatma-bhava-bhavanavinivrttih. When one has seen this distinction, there is a cessation of desire for dwelling in the atma, the self. Buddha has called the ultimate state of consciousness...
View ArticleThis is the Existential Centering – Osho
You said that awareness created centering and crystallization, but I personally feel that awareness brings a feeling of deep void within me. Please explain the relationship between centering and inner...
View ArticleSannyas is Like a Funnel
Sannyas like so many words in India has layers and layers of meanings. Sannyas is like a funnel. At the top of the funnel and on the periphery are being part of a larger group, the personal love affair...
View ArticleWhen My Mind is the Cause of Unhappiness – Osho
When my mind is the cause of my unhappiness either I don’t know how to come out of mind or I must still enjoy being in my mind, dreams, fantasies. If the house is on fire and you see the flames of fire...
View ArticleMy Belly has Become My Best Friend – Osho
Eleven years ago, when I first sat in front of you, I was so overwhelmed by your energy, by your love, by you, that I could do nothing but cry and bow down to your feet in silent expression; and yet I...
View ArticleThe Cloud Which Showers Virtue – Osho
One who is able to maintain a constant state of desirelessness, even towards the most exalted states of enlightenment, and is able to exercise the highest kind of discrimination, enters the state known...
View ArticleFrom Nothing Everything Comes – Osho
What is this universe made of, besides this silence which I don’t know and with which the sages are overflowing? Nivedano, this universe is certainly made of silence. But the silence is not dead, it is...
View ArticleWhat is Freedom – Anand Amido
Krishnamurti inspires a person to tackle human challenges personally, not to accept what either he has said on the topic or how your society defines such concepts. For Krishnamurti such questions burn...
View ArticleUtopia Is Possible – Osho
The longing for a better life, for a utopia, has been constantly in man’s mind since he became aware of his consciousness. On the other hand he became more and more afraid of all his irrational powers....
View ArticleNo-Mind and Being Present – Osho
Is there any difference between the state of no-mind and being present? Shunyam Kaveen, it is an intellectual question, nothing to do with your experience; because if you have experienced even a...
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